Parents Club

Dear Parents and Guardians,

As part of the Parents club, I'd like to welcome you all to a brand new year and Inshallah it will be an excellent one too. The parents club not only benefits students, but enriches the whole school community through positive interaction and support. By interacting with the school and other parents, parent club members take part in fundraising events and special occasions, such as, stalls for Mothers Day, Fathers Day, Hot Choc Day and much more. Parents participating in the parents club develop friendships and work collaboratively with other parents interested in supporting the school.

If you would like to be part of our Sirius College Primary Parents Club (PPC), or just want some more information, please leave your contact details at the school office or come along to one of our meetings. Meetings are generally very social and informal. It's a great way to be involved in your child's school community and meet new families.

Meetings are held usually on a monthly basis or twice depending on the preparations for coming events and are usually during school hours. Please check your school newsletter for this. Even if you are a tiny bit curious, come along and enjoy a relaxed morning tea, while getting to know our existing members. Children are most welcome.

Mrs Nurdan Ayvaz – Coordinator of the PPC
Mrs Serife Le Son – PPC Liason